He Showed No Remorse When He Bashed His Baby Sister to Death

Amardeep Sada became a serial killer at the age of 7

Anita Durairaj
5 min readFeb 2, 2021
Amardeep Sada (Image Source)

“She was sleeping in the school. I took her a little away and killed her with a stone and buried her. “— Amardeep Sada

These are not the words of an adult but that of a little 8-year-old boy called Amardeep Sada who lived in Bihar, India and, was charged with the crime of murder.

His victims were all babies less than a year old. He killed 3 babies before he was arrested and sent to a psychiatric home.

What led a young and seemingly innocent child to cold-blooded murder?

The Making of a Child Serial Killer

Amardeep was born in 1998 in a small village in Bihar to an impoverished family. His father has been described as either a poor farmer or a laborer.

In 2007, the Bihar police were called in by villagers to arrest a ruthless murderer amongst their midst. The police were shocked when the villagers handed in a slender, young, and innocent-looking child.

The initial reaction of the police was one of disbelief. They even rebuked the villagers for handing in a child. However, all of…

